OIC questionnaires available for the simplification of accounting rules

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SME’s – questionnaires to simplify accounting standards

Within this project, the first objective set by the OIC is to collect the main application issues through the publication of specific questionnaires addressed to various categories of stakeholders. The inputs...

OIC meeting “Connectivity between financial and sustainability reporting: developments and future challenges”

The conference on the connectivity between financial statements and sustainability reports, promoted by the Italian Accounting Standards Board (OIC), was held yesterday in Milan. The event was introduced by EY...

Agenda of the OIC Event “Connettività tra bilancio e report di sostenibilità”

OIC publishes the agenda of the event “Connettività tra bilancio e report di sostenibilità” that will take place on 14 October 2024, from 10am to 1pm at Wavespace EY in via Meravigli 12, Milan The...

OIC consults on the Exposure Draft OIC 30 Bilanci Intermedi

L’OIC pubblica in consultazione la bozza del Principio contabile OIC 30 Bilanci intermedi. La nuova bozza di principio disciplina unicamente i temi tecnico-contabili dei bilanci intermedi e prevede regole...
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