On this page, we list any current vacancies that are available regarding the OIC, the IFRS Foundation and the EFRAG for roles in the respective Boards, in the working groups or for staff positions.
27 October 2023
L’Organismo Italiano di Contabilità sta cercando 3 Technical manager da inserire nel suo staff tecnico:
- 2 in campo di principi contabili nazionali ed internazionali
- 1 in campo di principi di sostenibilità europei ed internazionali
Per informazioni sul profilo cercato e sull’inquadramento contrattuale proposto, si allegano gli avvisi di selezione.
Si prega di inviare la candidatura entro il 27 novembre 2023...
8 April 2022
The IFRS Foundation is seeking IASB members to serve a five year term. In particular, the IFRS Foundation is seeking two candidates with substantial senior experience, from Europe and Asia-Oceania.
The roles are full-time and are based in London.
Interviews for successful applicants will commence in the second half of May 2022
For further information about the profile please refer to IASB...
19 July 2017
EEFRAG is looking for financial reporting professionals with a good knowledge of IFRS and an interest in contributing to its future development. EFRAG also welcomes secondments from industry, the accountancy profession or National Standard Setters.
Applications from candidates with least 6 years of relevant working experience are welcome.
For information about the vacancies, please click...