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(Italiano) Pubblicato il programma del Joint Outreach Event EFRAG & OIC sull’Exposure Draft dello IASB “Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity”

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Save the Date – OIC-EFRAG joint outreach event on IASB’s Exposure Drafts on Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity

EFRAG and OIC invite to a joint outreach event to discuss the IASB’s Exposure Draft on Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity The event will take place on Tuesday, 12 March 2024 from 09:30 to 13:00 in Milan at Torre PWC  – Piazza Tre Torri, 2. There is no charge for the participation. The event will be in Italian and may be followed in streaming. The programme and the registration details will...

Il Dipartimento del Tesoro avvia la consultazione pubblica sul recepimento della Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

Si segnala che il Dipartimento del Tesoro del Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze ha avviato la consultazione pubblica sullo schema di decreto di recepimento della direttiva (UE) 2022/2464 Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). La direttiva – che dovrà essere recepita negli Stati membri entro il 6 luglio 2024 – ha lo scopo di promuovere la trasparenza e la divulgazione di informazioni da...

Passing of Alberto Giussani

It is with great sadness we received news of the death of Alberto Giussani. Alberto played an important role in the history of the OIC. Having served from 2002 to 2023 before as member of the Technical-Scientific Committee and after as Vice-chair of the Executive Board, he contributed to the institutional growth of the OIC, representing the Italian Standard Setter in various international committees. The President,...

OIC comments on IFRS Interpretation Committee tentative agenda decision on IAS 37

OIC comments on IFRS Interpretation Committee tentative agenda decision  on Climate-related Commitments (IAS 37) are now available. Please find also the press release herewith attached.

Convegno OIC- Efrag “Reporting di sostenibilità. Standard e linee guida: lo stato dell’arte”

In data 22 gennaio 2024 si è tenuto il joint outreach event, organizzato dall’OIC in collaborazione con l’EFRAG “Reporting di sostenibilità. Standard e linee guida: lo stato dell’arte”. All’evento sono intervenuti i rappresentanti dell’OIC, dell’EFRAG, del MEF, della Consob e un panel di esperti. Le registrazioni degli interventi e il materiale presentato sono di seguito...

Meeting of the Board of Directors – 29 January 2024

The summary of the meeting of the Board of Directors of 29 January 2024 is now available.

OIC comments on drafts of EFRAG Implementation Guidance

OIC comments on EFRAG Implementation Guidance regarding “Materiality Assessment“, “Value Chain” and “List of Datapoints” are now available. Please find the letter herewith attached.
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