OIC proposals on Omnibus initiative
OIC publishes proposals regarding the sustainability matter related to the Omnibus initiative.
OIC publishes proposals regarding the sustainability matter related to the Omnibus initiative.
The OIC has published Interpretative Document 11 – updated for the 2024 financial statements – “Accounting aspects related to the valuation of non-fixed securities.
OIC published the comments to IASB on IFRS IC Tentative Agenda Decision and comment letters: Recognition of Intangible Assets Resulting from Climate-related Expenditure (IAS 38).
Due Date: 10/02/2025
Last November, the IASB has published a consultation on some narrow amendments to IAS 37 – Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets.
OIC published the comments to EFRAG on: Draft Comment Letter on IASB ED Equity Method of Accounting AIS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures (revised 202x) ; and Draft Endorsement Advice on IASB Amendments to IFRS 7 and IFRS 9 about “Contracts referencing Nature-dependent Electricity”.
The IASB published the amendments to IFRS 9 Financial Instruments and IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures to help companies better report the financial effects of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).